Gabrielle Caldwell, 2023

After two miscarriages I was unable to conceive for two years , the amount of hopelessness I felt was unbearable I found myself feeling less of a woman not being able to bear children . I as well had painful irregular periods followed by an extremely heavy flow all my life. It was to the point where I was losing so much blood that my blood levels were dangerously low and I had to get a blood transfusion. This was all until I met Krystal who helped me with the guide of specially crafted vaginal steams , herbal tea blends, capsules and lots of grace which I’ll forever be beyond grateful for. She helped me to learn better eating habits. I cut out all red meats and pork which immediately made me feel lighter mentally. She got me on a scheduled regimen with the capsules and steams which in the span of just two months made my menstruation normal. No more gut wrenching cramps , no more guessing games about when my period will come and no more heavy bleeding. Following the 360 my menses took I was able to conceive just one month after . To see those two lines on a pregnancy test felt completely unreal . I am now expecting a baby boy in October and I’m beyond happy and grateful words couldn’t even begin to describe how I feel. It’s like a breathe of fresh air , I no longer get consumed in my thoughts about what’s wrong with me. I always wanted to have children and be a mother and now I can have that thanks to Krystal and her amazing work. Healing is just a text message away with GuerreraBirthKeeper . ”