Recovery After an Abortion

Plan to rest after your surgical or medical abortion. You can usually resume work and other normal activities the next day, if you feel ready. But avoid strenuous exercise or any movements that trigger pain for the first few days.

Most doctors suggest that you wait at least 2-3 weeks before you have sex or insert anything into your vagina – especially if you had a surgical procedure.

Be sure to keep all your follow-up appointments. If you had a medical abortion, your doctor will check to make sure the abortion was complete.

What Symptoms Are Common After an Abortion?

Cramping and vaginal bleeding are common side effects of both surgical and medical abortions.

You may bleed for up to 4 weeks after your procedure. The amount of bleeding will vary from person to person. The flow can range from light to heavy.  After a medical abortion, you may have bleeding that’s much heavier than your normal period

You may notice more blood when you exercise and less when you rest. Small blood clots that are red to dark purple are normal. As your bleeding slows, it might look like a yellow or brown discharge. It can have a sour odor.

Most doctors recommend that you use sanitary pads instead of tampons, at least at first. You’ll need to change your pad every 4-6 hours. If you’ve had a surgical abortion, don’t have sex or put anything – including a tampon – into your vagina until your bleeding stops. If you had a medical abortion, ask your doctor when it’s safe to use tampons or menstrual cups. 

The healing process after an abortion is a significant and emotionally charged journey. We blended specific herbs to support your physical body to stop bleeding and recover quickly, as well as loving and supportive herbs for your emotional and spiritual recovery.  

 Yoni Steam for Abortion is best prepared after your heavy bleeding has stopped and you are only spotting.  You can also steam once your bleeding has completely stopped.


Cramps usually last a few days. You can take Boswellia, otherwise known as frankincense to relieve the discomfort. The resin from Boswellia serrata trees is what is typically turned into tinctures, pills, or topical treatments. Heating pad or hot water bottle placed on your tummy may help ease the pain. Rest can help, too. You might also get relief with essential oils, deep breathing, or self-massage around your stomach, back, and hips. 

Nausea or Vomiting

These symptoms usually go away within a few days. In the meantime, you can sometimes ease nausea by drinking ginger ale or peppermint or chamomile tea. Or chew a piece of candied ginger. 

Breast Symptoms

Your breasts might feel tender for up to 10 days after your procedure. Wear a bra with good support. and take over-the-counter pain relievers if you need them. It may also help to put ice packs on your breasts. Your breasts may also leak fluid, but they should return to their normal state after about 4 days. 

What Complications Can Occur After an Abortion?

Studies show abortions are safe, even safer than childbirth. Though major complications are rare, they can happen. Some include:

  • Infection: There’s a small risk of infection after both a surgical and medical abortion. Your doctor might give you antibiotics to reduce this risk if you had a procedure. To lessen your chances of infection, it’s safest to avoid baths, swimming, douching, and sex while you recover. Your doctor can tell you when it’s OK to resume these activities.

  • Incomplete abortion: This happens when the pregnancy isn’t completely removed. It’s more likely to happen after a medical abortion than a surgical one. You’ll need to have a procedure to complete the abortion.

  • Hemorrhage: While some bleeding is normal, very heavy bleeding can be dangerous.

  • Injury to organs: You can get an injury to your uterus (womb), bowel, or bladder during a surgical abortion. In rare cases, your uterus or cervix can tear. This is more likely to happen in later-term abortions.

When to Call Your Doctor:

Call your doctor if you have signs of serious complications, which may include:

  • Heavy bleeding that increases or requires you to change your pad more than once every hour

  • Blood clots that are larger than a lemon or last 2 hours or longer

  • Symptoms of pregnancy that last longer than 2 weeks

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Chest-pain or shortness of breath

  • Pain or swelling in your leg

When Will Your Period Start Again?

Your menstrual period will likely begin 4 to 6 weeks post-abortion. But you can get pregnant before your period returns.